Sunday, May 30, 2010

Writing Modelling

Monday 10th May
My Weekend
My last weekend was an interesting one for several reasons.
It all started on Friday afternoon, when I stayed back at school to do some work for next week. Whilst working, I heard the lovely Miss Crawford practising her singing for the fashion show that evening – she sounded awesome! I finished around 5pm and went home to feed Jessie. She was excited to see me and nearly broke her chain when I approached her. I relaxed with a cool orange juice at the end of a long day. At 5.45pm, I went to the School Fashion show, which was at the Golf club. I was early so I sat in the car for 5 minutes dancing away happily to the music of Mamma Mia. I had no idea what do expect. I knew nothing. I spent the next 40 minutes talking to the deputy Principal, while sitting in a throne like chair. We felt like the king and queen of England!

Pictorial Pepeha Week 7 Homework

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Electricity Test soon. Do you know the answers now????

Baking muffins - some photographs

Here's a taste (excuse the pun!)

Making Banana Triple Chocolate Muffins

Today we helped make banana triple chocolate muffins as part of our procedural instructions unit. I learnt that double paper cases would have prevented some muffins from being slightly deformed but overall the experience was positive. Photos to come as having problems uploading these at school.

Some of the children's comments follow...

What went well:
Eating the muffin mixture (Chae)
Everything went well (Nicole)
Mashing up the banana (Andre)
That I helped (Grace)
That most of the people joined in (Kaitlin)
That the muffins didn’t explode! (Kaci)

What did not go so well:
Sharing the bowl around (Chae)
That some people made a mess (Aleesha)
Spilling the mixture (Nicole)
Pouring the mixture in the muffin cups (Victoria)
The pouring (Kirsten)
Not knowing how to read the ingredients (Seven)
That some boys got very chocolaty (Miriama)

What could be improved:
People having manners when they could have the rest of the mixture (Eru)
A few people got a bit bossy (Olivia)
That it wasn’t so messy (Olivia)
Don’t put in too much mixture (Connor)

Describe the taste:
It tasted like chocolate, bananas and chocolate chips (Chae)
The muffins were delicious because the chocolate chips were dissolving in my mouth like sweet candy floss (Aleesha)
The chocolate dribbled down my throat (Nicole)
The muffins tasted like real chocolate and rich banana- it was like the chocolate and banana were melting in my mouth (Sonja)
It tasted like chocolate fudge (Mathew)
They were so nice I felt like singing (Seven). Seven, why didn’t you sing then?
It was delicious when the chocolate melted in my mouth (Grace)
It tasted like a creamy chocolate, swirled up like caramel tasty chocolates – mmm, yummy (Corrina)

Monday, May 17, 2010

More Sharing...

Some children sharing their Expressive Writing...

Today & some writers

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Mr L’s place…

Not that I spend much time behind the desk!


Models for Electricity Topic

Your child is making a model of something that is electrical, e.g a fridge. This is what we have so far…


Stay safe around Electricity

Check out our completed booklets. Well done children!


Expressive Writing

This morning we did our weekly recount writing, looking at paragraphs and conjunctions and also types of sentences. I modelled my writing on the whiteboard…


Then we wrote, here is some of the kids work….

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Mihi to learn by Friday end of Week 6 Term 2

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week 5, Term 2

This week:

1. Soccer Fun day on Wednesday so please return your permission slips

2. Banana Triple Chocolate muffin making on Tuesday 18th May

3. Art this Thursday morning

4. Cross Country day is this Friday

5. Start thinking about speech topic: My Hero

Danish Heart Baskets

During Week 4, Term 4, as part of our procedural writing unit, I got the children to read and follow instructions on how to make a Danish Heart basket. Many made them, but some will require further practise at following instructions.

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· (Miss a LINE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS; write on each line as if publishing something). Feelings- put these in!

· Proof read and check your spelling carefully as you write and also at the end.

· Add a colour picture at the end of your writing!!!


Monday 10th May

My Weekend

Last Weekend was an interesting time for my family and I because we did several things.

Firstly, on Friday afternoon…

Later on….

I also got to…

I had a great time, and I can’t wait until next weekend.

Informal Letter Writing

We have been learning how to write an Informal Letter. We wrote these letters for the purpose of thanking the parents who assisted us on our recent trip to M.O.T.A.T. Some of us have written to the educator at M.O.T.A.T.

We have learnt how to…

1.Correctly address an Informal Letter

2.Set our letter out with a three paragraph structure

3.Sign off our letter with the words, ‘Yours sincerely’

Practise and write a signature.

Week 5 Homework…

Here is your homework for this week. It was superb to see 14 of you hand in your homework last Friday, and this is up from 9 the previous week, so that is just fantastic. Hopefully we can improve on 14 for this week!

HmWk sheet week 5 Term 2
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Welcome to our new blog site

Hi everyone,
In the weekend I attended a course with some other teachers on Literacy. One workshop looked at websites to communicate between home and school. What a wonderful idea I thought! So here we go, the start of a wonderful class blog site. Keep checking back regularly for loads of new content.
Mr L